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Contact SREE Medical

Key Illuminating Factors


Patient, operator and equipment safety is of paramount importance to us. Our devices are safe for use on premature neonates, term newborns, infants and small babies


Our cross-functional technology caters to patient care and diagnosis. Our technology effectively bridges pediatrics with radiology

Image Quality

Our devices offer high-resolution quality, i.e., greater visual clarity for doctors in diagnosing MRI images

Patient-Centered Care

Kids are not little adults! Careful attention is paid to the tiny patient who is prepared and getting ready for a MRI exam

We Believe...

…satisfactory patient care is not good enough!

…average image quality is not good enough!

With our cross-functional technology we strive to provide the best of both: patient-centered care and effective MRI diagnosis on small babies.

We Provide...

…a cross-functional technology intended to bridge the Radiology department with Pediatrics.

…innovative solutions for enhancing the MRI image quality in small babies. We also provide solutions for extending MRI imaging coverage from the brain to other vital organs such as the heart, liver, abdomen and kidney, and the extremity.

We are now offering solutions to safely transport babies from the neonatal, pediatric or cardiac intensive care units (NICUs, PICUs, cICUs) or other hospital sections to MRI with our recently FDA cleared MRI transport incubator system. 

Advanced Imaging Research, an Ohio S Corporation incorporated in 1996 is located in the heart of Cleveland. We started as a research company offering specialty hardware imaging solutions to luminary research sites. We soon transitioned to providing unique magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) solutions for newborn babies and infants. We are currently doing business as SREE Medical Systems.


We offer comprehensive solutions by providing patient-centered safe transport and high quality MR imaging with our cross-functional transport incubator-imaging device combination that strives to bridge Radiology with Pediatrics.